Create alert
Create Alert
Create Alert endpoint allows our customers to create alerts that are triggered when one of Genlogs sensors detect a truck that match the alert criteria, sending an email with the detection results.
This endpoint is restricted to authorized users with appropriate permissions.
Include the following headers in your requests:
Access-Token: The access token obtained from the "Create Access Token" endpoint.
x-api-key: The API key provided by GenLogs. This header must be included in the request.
Request Parameters
email (string, Required): The email address to the alert results if a match is found
cc_emails (array of strings, Optional): List of additional email addresses to receive notifications if a match is found based on alerts criteria
alert_type (string, Required): Specifies the type of alert to be sent.
normal: Triggered once per day.
hot: Triggered every 15 minutes, with a maximum of 3 alerts per email. After 24 hours, these alerts are converted to normal alerts.
disabled (boolean, Required): Whether the alert is active or disabled.
alert_name (string, Required): The name of the alert for identification.
usdot_or_mc_number (string, Optional): The USDOT or MC number to be used as criteria when searching for assets when an alert is triggered. It is recommended to use the USDOT number.
license_plate (string, Optional): The license plate number related to the alert.
vin (string, Optional): Last 6 Digits of the vehicle identification number.
cab_number (string, Optional): The cab number associated with the vehicle.
trailer_logo (string, Optional): The logo displayed on the trailer.
The logo displayed on the trailer. See Trailer logos for options.
trailer_number (string, Optional): The trailer number associated with the alert.
exact_match_trailer_number (boolean, Optional): Specifies whether the trailer number search should match exactly or be treated as a “contains” search.
true: Performs an exact match for the trailer number.
false: Utilizes a “contains” search for the trailer number.
Response Codes
200 OK: Successfully created the alert.
400 Bad Request: Missing or invalid parameters.
401 Unauthorized: Authentication credentials are missing or incorrect.
403 Forbidden: The user does not have permission to create alerts.
500 Internal Server Error: An issue occurred on the server.
Response Body:
id (integer): Unique identifier for the alert.
email (string): The email address associated with the alert.
cc_emails (array of strings): List of additional email addresses for notifications.
alert_name (string): The name of the alert.
disabled (boolean): Indicates whether the alert is active or disabled.
alert_type (string): Type of alert (
)usdot_or_mc_number (string): The USDOT or MC number associated with the alert.
location_state (string, nullable): State where the alert is triggered.
location_city (string, nullable): City where the alert is triggered.
license_plate (string, nullable): License plate involved in the alert.
vin (string, nullable): Vehicle Identification Number.
cab_number (string, nullable): Cab number.
trailer_logo (string, nullable): Logo on the trailer.
trailer_number (string, nullable): Trailer number.
exact_match_trailer_number (boolean): Indicates if the trailer number must match exactly.
Request Example
Using curl
This API ensures secure alert creation while maintaining proper role-based access control.
Last updated