Shipper Facilities
The facilities endpoint allows users to retrieve a list of facilities that match a given name, location, and search radius. The response includes detailed information about each facility, such as contact information, geographic coordinates, and operating hours.
Include the following headers in your requests:
Access-Token: The access token obtained from the "Create Access Token" endpoint.
x-api-key: The API key provided by GenLogs. This header must be included in the request.
Query Parameters
name (string, optional): The name of the facility to search for.
city(string, optional): The location "city" around which to search for facilities. For example, "Boston" or "Atlanta"
state(string, optional): The location "state" around which to search for facilities. For example, "Massachusetts" or "Georgia"
radius (integer, optional): The radius (in miles) within which to search around the specified location.
200 OK: Successfully retrieved the list of facilities matching the search criteria.
400 Bad Request: If required parameters are missing or invalid.
401 Unauthorized: If the
is missing or invalid.500 Internal Server Error: If an error occurs on the server while processing the request.
Response Body
facilities (array of
objects): List of facilities matching the search criteria.contact_phone (nullable string): Phone number of the facility's contact person.
contact_url (nullable string): URL for the facility's contact page or website.
facility_name (string): Name of the facility.
formatted_address (string): Full address of the facility.
id (string): Unique identifier for the facility.
lat (number): Latitude of the facility's location.
lon (number): Longitude of the facility's location.
operating_hours (nullable string): Operating hours of the facility.
place_category (string): Category or type of place (e.g., warehouse, distribution center).
Request Example:
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