Carrier Observation
Exclusive access. This endpoint is only available to insurance customers. Contact your Customer Success Manager or GenLogs point of contact to request access.
The Carrier Observation API provides carrier information based on sightings in the GenLogs Sensor network, FMCSA Inspection Data, and other observation data as available.
This information can help assess risk profiles, verify carrier operations, determine territory pricing, make informed underwriting decisions, and more.
Include the following headers in your requests:
Access-Token: The access token obtained from the "Create Acess Token" endpoint.
x-api-key: The API key provided by Genlogs. This header must be included in the request.
Query Parameters
usdot_number (string, Required): usdot for a specific carrier.
location_city (string, Optional): city where data was captured.
location_state (string, Optional): state where data was captured.
sighting_start_date (string, Optional): start date to make query.
sighting_end_date (string, Optional): end date to make query.
200 OK: A JSON object containing the message verified true or false
400 Bad Request: If required parameters are missing or invalid.
401 Unauthorized: If the authentication credentials (email and password) are missing or incorrect.
403 Forbidden: Access to the requested resource is forbidden.
500 Internal Server Error: If there is an issue on the server that prevents processing the request.
Response Body:
alpr_plate_number: (string) License plate number captured by ALPR.
usdot_number: (string) The USDOT number for the carrier.
time_captured: (string) The timestamp when the data was captured.
mc_number: (string) Motor Carrier number for the carrier.
vin: (string) Vehicle Identification Number.
cab_number: (string) Cab number.
equipment_type: (string). Type of equipment. Ie (Reefer, dryvan, etc.)
equipment_number: (string). Number of the equipment.
equipment_logo: (string) The logo of the trailer company.
location_city: (string) City or county where the observation occurred. If observation is from FMCSA, it would be county. Otherwise will be a city.
location_state: (string) State where the observation occurred.
latitude: (number), Latitude of the location where the observation occurred.
longitude: (number) , Longitude of the location where the observation occurred.
route: (string) Route and direction of travel.
source: (string) Source of the observation.
Request Example:
Last updated